As I sat waiting at the airport for my boarding call, I looked at the seats…6x26x2…312 seats in total…mostly vacant…but gosh how much action they must see…how many people must have sat where I was sitting…excited jumpy people like me who were counting the seconds…sad people who were reading going away…new journeys…going home…leaving home…on vacation…on work…to see loved ones…to get away from loved ones…
The seats must feel all their vibes and I’m sure they know the minute someone sits, which category they fall into…it must be tough to be a seat in airport…unlike the life of a lavish and cozy sofa in someone’s study or a chair at work with fixed sitters…it must be tough to have only acquaintances and so many, changing by the moment…do they ever wish they were a sofa, personally decorated and relaxed on for hours or a bright red swivel chair in front of a computer at work, interacting with a small group of well known and loved people…or were they happy with the thrill of meeting exciting new people who they spent short spurts of time with…no attachments…no strings…forgotten and forgetting…
We are different types of chairs, aren’t we…
I used to be a good sofa…turned airport seat…wanting to turn back into a sofa…but sadly I’m neither a good sofa nor a good airport seat…not sure whether there are other options available to me…maybe a seat by the window on a bus on the hills…a 7-8 hour kinda seat…not to short not too long…enjoying the journey without getting too used to anyone in particular….
I guess I’m an inbetweener…
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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