drifting leaf

a journey...of moments...of discovery...of the colours of emotion...of the design of nature... to a place unknown...yet known...a place within...yet far away... between the realms of the earth and the sky... between reality and dreams... just a leaf...one lonely leaf...drifting...but always moving...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Street Lamp…

I saw a lonely street lamp…surrounded by tiny little night insects…I felt glad that the lamp had them for company…and I felt sad too cos the lamp had no idea that it was being used…
It was dark…its light was so bright and the little insects looked so happy…so flirty…the lamp looked happy too and shined brighter but knew not how short lived this pleasure was…as the day draws closer, the light from the lamp will dim and be insignificant…the little street lamp will stand by itself…alone and unnoticed till its night again and the insects return by default to the only light that they know…selfish insects…foolish lamp…

The street lamp stands tall even if it stands alone…the insects come and go…the lamp continues to simply be, not letting the insects bother it any longer…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

July 21, 2006 3:39 AM  

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