drifting leaf

a journey...of moments...of discovery...of the colours of emotion...of the design of nature... to a place unknown...yet known...a place within...yet far away... between the realms of the earth and the sky... between reality and dreams... just a leaf...one lonely leaf...drifting...but always moving...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

And it rained last night...

she stood at her door at 10.30pm and watched it fall…rushed to make a cup of tea…she loved tea in the rain…she watched them fall…drop by drop…so many drops…coming down in gentle little streams like beads…the leaves on her tree looked like they were coated in silver…and the flowers were all like downcast eyes…shy by the way the drops were making them feel…she felt kinda a bit like that too…but in a sad way…first rain in her new home…first rain alone…first thunder with no one to run to…so many firsts…stretched her hand out to feel them…took one tiny step to get a bit closer…another step…and another…and then she felt them…and they didn’t wash away her pain…they took it deeper in…into places from which they can never escape…
Closed her eyes…love the way rain sounds…rhythmic…like a hundred heartbeats…her ears longed for one that her heart could be synchronised with…the scent of the earth filling up her senses…so pure…so familiar…after so long…like the way it makes your heart beat fast when you get a whiff of someone you used to love so much…all the memories come pouring back…car drives…smiling…hands…twinkling eyes…a song on their lips…the shadows of the rain on the car’s roof…and she cried…she tried so hard not to but she did…the rain and her tears merging together…no one would ever know….

she was just a girl in the rain…


Blogger drifting leaf said...

thanks hand...

May 31, 2006 5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

July 03, 2006 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

July 21, 2006 3:39 AM  

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