Someone stole my mp3 player….
It hurts like mad… hurts cos its obviously someone I know… hurts even more cos its all my songs… that mp3 player has meant the world to me for so long… its been with me on long walks… its been there every Sunday… its been my work companion… and I’m just really hurt…
Sure I’ll get over it… I’ll buy a fancy upgraded better looking version…. But I still want that one back… I love the way it use to look… the way it hung… the way it knew when to play my song… and then to keep playing… all those soul particles (remember what you said about it, sameer) all the different memories it holds with the different people that I shared my music with…
It was so flawed in so many ways and I loved it even more because of that… I don’t want a perfect ipod... one that has no individuality…
And to think that its value is unknown to the person who stole it…. To think that it will be sold off for a few hundreds… that really bothers me… and I’d buy it right back from that person for much much more… if I could just have it back…
i've had a miserable time these last few days and i don't feel like playing any other music...
How do you go back years to remember every song that moved you?
how do you bring that memories that a song evoked…. If you’ve lost the song?
I should have backed it up… I should have made a list of all the songs… I should have never let it get stolen… but its just too late…
Sometimes its really just too late….
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