Was not such a good day for me… just one of those days when I felt extremely ‘by myself’… felt unloved… and uncared for… ignored even.. and I know in my heart that none of these feelings were justified…
but what do you do with feelings you feel? I hoped that something would happen today that would change this…
Had a session with 5th standard kids in Green Lawns School to find out about their lotus promise… and I was looking forward to it cos I had done the intro session and I think somewhere they got it and they accepted it and were kicked about it… we’ve tied up our centres with school classes and together they work on way that they can change in order to change the things they don’t like about the world… they had each made one promise that was difficult for them to keep…
So I went to class and started asking them a whole bunch of questions about their promise… they remembered every word I had told them… they were jumping up and down to get me to pick their hand… the ‘missmissmissmissmiss’ reached a real high…and I could not help but stop and laugh out loud and tell them that it was real tough to pick hands to answer… they had worked hard on their promise and some of the promises were hard…
and then this one tiny hand I picked, stood up and started to speak.. and the whole class murmured and waited for him…
Tiny little boy… tinier than the others… looked at me and slowly measuring each word began to speak… he was slow and we all waited for him without rushing him…
’miss I fed leaves to a cow’…
so I asked him why that was difficult for him to do?
And he looks at me like I’m mad… ‘cos the cow is so big miss and I was so scared…’
sure that made complete sense I told him…
and just as I was about to move to the next hand, his partner and others say, ‘there’s more miss’…
ok… tell me…
he continues…‘miss, on diwali… there were some boys playing with crackers miss and they lit a charka miss… and they kept it near 3 ants miss… (complete silence in class… little boy all serious)
‘and I thought they would die so I kicked the charka and saved their lives…’
I looked around, taken aback… could this be true… and the entire class was beaming with pride…No one laughed or ridiculed him as i would have expected... instead, another girl spoke up…’and he got hurt when he kicked the charka but he saved three ants…’
Wow… really sometimes it takes someone little to realize the plight of someone littler… I left the class feeling so good… who would have thought of saving 3 ants…
Little boy saved more than 3 ants… kinda saved someone feeling like a big ant as well… : )