drifting leaf

a journey...of moments...of discovery...of the colours of emotion...of the design of nature... to a place unknown...yet known...a place within...yet far away... between the realms of the earth and the sky... between reality and dreams... just a leaf...one lonely leaf...drifting...but always moving...

Thursday, September 28, 2006


As she selected her flowers… picking only the white ones… feeling kinda white herself… kinda blank…kinda plain…kinda not feeling like saying anything…she added a string of white jasmine to her hair…ever smelt washed hair that smelt of lingering jasmine buds…no one would ever understand her… the silly little things she said and did without thinking them through… the many times she got angry for not using her head…
She knew they would be waiting for her…and she was running late…but she thought it was worth spending a few minutes to feel good… she dreaded what awaited her…another boring dinner… people who had no passions… people who did not see things for what they really were… people who thought she could do much better for herself… people who would see her in all white and wonder why she did not make the effort to look the best that she could… but see, they just did not get it… she felt like herself….
There were the same old discussions… exotic holidays… expensive art… and she just watch them… lost in her vodka and apple juice and wishing it would have its effect on her faster so that she could block them all out… she could escape it all… and retreat into a world where everyone was what they were…
And then across the table, she saw another person… scribbling on a napkin and trying to look at the man talking cars with interest… and he kept gulping down his drink… he looked up and caught her eye… he raised an eyebrow and gave her a helpless little smile… she did a little shoulder shrug and all she could think was that there was hope that there were others who she could fit in with… others who maybe will see what the white symbolized… in all its plainness and simplicity, there was so much that was complex…


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